Photo of Songi Han

Songi Han

Chemistry & Biochemistry
Chemical Engineering
UC Santa Barbara

Research Focus Areas

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

ICB Supported Publications

Maxwell W. Berkow, Hosu Gwak, Matthew N. Idso, Michael B. Schmithorst, Bailey E. Rhodes, Brad D. Price, Daniel S. Gianola, Songi Han, and Bradley F. Chmelka
Chemistry of Materials,
C.-T. Han, K.D.Q. Nguyen, M.W. Berkow, S. Hussain, A. Kiani, M. Kinnebrew, M.N. Idso, N. Baxter, E. Chang, E. Aye, E. Winslow, M. Rahman, S. Seppala, M. O’Malley, B.F. Chmelka, B. Mertz, S. Han
Biophysical Journal,
Shiny Maity, Brad D. Price, C. Blake Wilson, Arnab Mukherjee, Matthieu Starck, David Parker, Maxwell Z. Wilson, Janet E. Lovett, Songi Han, and Mark S. Sherwin
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
Chung-Ta Han, Jichao Song, Tristan Chan, Christine Pruett and Songi Han
Biophysical Journal,
Matthew N. Idso, Naomi R. Baxter, Sirish Narayanan, Evelyn Chang, Julia Fisher, Bradley F. Chmelka, and Songi Han
Journal of Physical Chemistry B,
Justin P. Jahnke, Matthew N. Idso, Sunyia Hussain, Matthias J. N. Junk, Julia M. Fisher, David D. Phan, Songi Han, and Bradley F. Chmelka
J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
Lalli, D., Idso, M.N., Andreas, L.B., Baxter, N., Han, S., Chmelka, B.F. and Pintacuda, G.
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
S. Hussain, M. Kinnebrew, N. S. Schonenbach, E. Aye, and S. Han
Journal of Molecular Biology,
S. Hussain, J. M. Franck, and S. Han
Angewandte Chemie International Edition,
K. M. Stone, J. Voska, M. Kinnebrew, A. Pavlova, M. J. N. Junk, and S. Han
Biophysical Journal,