Conference Room Reservations

Please check the room reservation calendar below for availability before requesting a reservation. If your desired date and time are available email Tiffany Higbee with your reservation information to reserve a space:

Please allow up to 24 hours for approval. 

ICB Conference Room BioEngineering Room 2001

Occupancy: 24
Includes adjacent outdoor patio

Room Policies: 

  • The ICB has priority over outside departments when making room reservations.
  • Anyone wishing to reserve a room must be affiliated with the ICB.
  • Reservation holders are responsible for returning the room to its original state or be responsible for cleaning and damage fees.
  • All reservation holders are required to provide a UCSB account fund number for all catered events.

BioEngineering Outdoor Patio 

Occupancy: 70 

Patio Policies: 

  • Anyone wishing to reserve a room must have a sponsor affiliated with a BioEngineering faculty member. 
  • Reservation holders are responsible for returning the room to its original state or be responsible for cleaning and damage fees.
  • All reservation holders are required to provide a UCSB account fund number for all catered events. 
  • All events held on the outdoor patio are responsible for their own rentals, caterers and clean up including providing trash cans and recycling bins for the event. 